Key words and names: Solomon, Jerusalem, Temple, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoiada, Athaliah, Uzziah, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Assyria, Josiah, Cyrus and Babylon.
2 Chronicles records the reign of Solomon and the kings of Judah (southern kingdom). It records the dedication of the temple, the rule of the kings of Judah (both good and bad), the revivals under Hezekiah and Josiah, and the carrying away to Babylon.
2 Chronicles records the temple becoming the focal point of Israel's worship, and the eventual destruction on the temple through judgement. The temple would fall into disrepair and restored and eventually destroyed again by Titus in 70 AD.
2 Chronicles records the kings that brought revival to the land:
1) Asa renewed the covenant (15:8-15).
2) Josiah called the leaders of Israel together that they may hear the Law and renew the covenant (v.29-31).
3) Hezekiah also renewed the covenant (29:10)
The word covenant is mentioned 16 times in the book of 2 Chronicles. The word wrath is mentioned 16 (KJV) times in chronicles revealing God's covenant wrath upon Israel for covenant violations.
**Isaiah and Jeremiah are major prophets in Judah during this period.
Key Verses: 5:1; 21:7; 29:1-3; 34:14-31; 34:25; 36:14-21