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New Testament
Gospel of Matthew
The Genesis of the New Testament

Keywords and phrases: Son of David, Christ, Son of Abraham, Gospel of the Kingdom, Unbelief, Faithless, Lost Sheep, Scribes. Pharisees, Parables, Bridegroom, Parables, Fig Tree, Hypocrites, Evil Generation, Olivet Discourse, This Generation, The Regeneration, New Testament, Betrayed, Great Tribulation, The End.

Matthew shows that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant prophecies concerning the Messiah. This book contrasts the unbelief In Israel as opposed to the great faith of Gentiles who came to Christ for healing and deliverance. Jesus eventually pronounces judgment upon Jerusalem and the entire temple system for their hypocrisy and religious tradition, and lack of true godliness and service to God and man.

Matthew records the rejection and suffering of the Messiah, culminating in his death, resurrection, and the giving of the Great Commission. Matthew reveals the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and their opposition to the ministry of Christ.
*Jesus’ pronouncements of judgment upon religious leaders and the Old Covenant system are recorded in Matthew.

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is a manifesto on the Kingdom, and his Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24) is his pronouncement and prophecy of destruction upon Jerusalem and his coming in power and glory to execute vengeance upon the nation’s unbelief and rejection of the Kingdom. It is also a warning to the remnant of true believers to flee the wrath to come.

The Book of Matthew is best understood as the last days of the old system. Jesus comes to bring salvation, and many believe, but religious leaders reject Christ and plot his death because of envy. The nation is divided between believers and unbelievers, with the righteous eventually being persecuted by unrighteous unbelievers.
The generation Jesus ministered to seems to parallel the generation Isaiah ministered to. Isaiah is a type of Christ. This generation was hypocritical and unbelieving just as it was in the days of Isaiah. Matthew uses the word “WOE” often like Isaiah.
Matthew is the Genesis of the New Testament. Matthe wis the only Gospel where the church is mentioned.

Key Verses: 1:21; 2:23; 3:9-12; 4:17; 5:17-18; 6:10; 8:5-12; 10:22; 13:40; 15:24; 16:17-21; 17:17; 33-43; 22:1-14; 23:34-39; 24:1-34; 25:1; 26:28; 27:35; 28:18-20