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These are the last words of David: “The inspired utterance of David son of Jesse, the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High, the man anointed by the God of Jacob, the hero of Israel’s songs2 Samuel 23:1

David wrote most of the psalms, Israel’s Hymnbook. Many of the Psalms are Messianic and have prophecies about the coming Messiah and his kingdom. The word covenant is mentioned 21 times in the Psalms (KJV)

David’s sufferings as recorded in the Psalms are prophetic of Messiah who is the sone of David. The Psalms have many references to the kingdom and the nations rejoicing, praising, and worshipping the God of Israel.

Praise and Worship is emphasized in the Psalms, and the nations are invited to join in the worship of the true God.

Jerusalem and Zion are types of the Kingdom of God. The word Glory is mentioned 53 times in the Psalms (KJV). The word covenant 21 times (KJV) in the Psalms. Psalm 41:9 mentions the covenant betrayal of Christ.

Messianic Psalms: 2, 8, 16, 22, 34, 35, 40, 41, 45, 68, 69, 109, 110, 118

Key Verses: 1:1; 22:3; 44:17; 78:10, 37; 82:8; 86:9; 103:17-18; 105:8; 111:9; 132:13

Prophecy: Fulfilled:
Psalm 2 Acts 4:24
Psalm 22 John 20:27

Personal Note: I believe the largest and most emotional book in the bible, the book of Psalms demonstrates God’s concern about every stage of our lives.
