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The Gospel of Mark

Mark’s gospel uses the term “straightway”. Straightway means “immediately. Without loss of time; without delay. Mark’s gospel is a gospel of action and shows the urgency of Christ’s ministry to Israel.

The gospel is unique because it emphasizes Jesus’ actions more than His teaching.

It’s simply written, moving quickly from on episode in the life of Christ to another.

Mark views the death of Christ as the greatest work a servant can do. Mark was Barnabas’ nephew – Col 4:10

The New Covenant is initiated in Mark 14:24.

The Olivet Discourse is recorded in chapter 13. Mark calls the tribulation the days of affliction (13:19).


Key Verses: 7:13; 11:15; 13:1-32; 16:15-20

Key Words: New Testament, Straightway, Olivet Discourse, Affliction. The End